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Signing Wills & POAs during COVID-19

Signing Wills & Powers of Attorney during COVID-19

Monday 13th of July 2020
By: Emmy Langmaid, Solicitor, Coote Family Lawyers

May you always be somewhere you are celebrated, not somewhere you are tolerated!

How do I sign my Will and Power of Attorney if I'm in quarantine?

On 12 May 2020, the Victorian Government introduced the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Electronic Signing and Witnessing) Regulations 2020.

In response to the unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, this Emergency Regulation temporarily enables Wills and Powers of Attorney to be electronically signed and witnessed by audio visual link. 

Importantly, the Regulations do not apply to the signature of Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker or Advance Care Directives.  It is yet to be seen whether there will be additional Regulations introduced in relation to signing these documents.

There are strict requirements to ensure the legal validity of Wills and Powers of Attorney which are signed and witnessed electronically.

Coote Family Lawyers is recognised as one of the top family law firms in Melbourne.  Call our Wills & Estates team today on (03) 9804 0035 to update your Estate Planning and to discuss your options for signing your Will and/or Power of Attorney during self-isolation or quarantine.

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